Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kony 2012 Letter

                Dear Invisible Children Charity
I really enjoyed the KONY 2012 video, but there are some things in the video I not sure. So here are my questions.
-          Is it truth that all the donated money goes to Uganda?
-          Is Kony is a problem anymore because he not in Uganda for 6 years?
-          Why you make KONY famous when people in Uganda don’t want it?
-          Why Uganda people against your charity?
-          I heard that that only 1/3 money go to Uganda
-          Why does the film expire in the end of 2012? Why it need to be 2012?
-          Where is Jason Russell? I don’t see he make the video anymore.
-          Why that is if we do this will change the history of humanity course?

Please reply back to me when you read this letter. Thanks

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