Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ICT Vocabulary

-Copyright: The right to make copy of image, music, video,etc...
-Copy-free: can copy any sources without permissions
-Trademark: Any name, symbol, figure, letter, word, or mark  adopted and used by a manufacturer
-Creative Commons: legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation.
-Royalty free: the right to copy anything without paying anything
-GNU licensed: Free software licensed
-Public Domain: public for everyone can see

Copyrighted --> reliable
Copy-free --> ?

Checking Your Sources

-Watch the video
-Ask my self is the video real or not
-Who make the video?
-Are the site say about Marc3pax video clear?
-Can the information can be checked?
- Can you contact the one that posted it?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Flottila Protest homework

1. I find some source about Marc3pax but not a lot. But I found one on "
The Electronic Intifada" the say that there no real evidence about the video and it true. He don't really give out information.
2. He relate it to gay right and Hamas
3. I think that the video is fake
4. Not really but in the video say that Hamas is anti-gay, anti-women. But there no real evidence say about it

Monday, April 23, 2012

Flotilla Protest

1. Protester
2. Israeli government
3. Israeli Media
4. Palestine Media
5. Palestine Government
6. International media
7. Egypt government
8. Egypt Media
9. American government
10. Israeli citizens
11. Palestine citizens
12. United Nation
13. Hamas
14. America government

Most Bias:
Israeli government
Israeli media
Palestine media
Palestine government
America government
Israeli citizens.

United Nation
International Media

American Government

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kony 2012 Letter

                Dear Invisible Children Charity
I really enjoyed the KONY 2012 video, but there are some things in the video I not sure. So here are my questions.
-          Is it truth that all the donated money goes to Uganda?
-          Is Kony is a problem anymore because he not in Uganda for 6 years?
-          Why you make KONY famous when people in Uganda don’t want it?
-          Why Uganda people against your charity?
-          I heard that that only 1/3 money go to Uganda
-          Why does the film expire in the end of 2012? Why it need to be 2012?
-          Where is Jason Russell? I don’t see he make the video anymore.
-          Why that is if we do this will change the history of humanity course?

Please reply back to me when you read this letter. Thanks

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Project Review

I think that I need to use more keyword, because I think that I don't have enough.