Tuesday, April 12, 2011



  1. I like how you started your commercial with a joke (the song), and the background music transfer a lot of feelings toward the audience. I like your effects when the guy is drinking water, I really felt that I was there, and now what is happening. I think the commercial went well together. The final product sounds good and very attracting, if I were an audience I will totally buy your product.

    One thing, I think you could improve your commercial by the narrator voice, sounds like you guys are reading off a paper. You can pump up your voice a level, like you can sound more excited because you are introducing you product.

  2. The effects and the transition of the commercial is very effective. The song choice is also very good to deliver an exciting mood, and make the customers feel energetic.The commercial went well and fluently. The thing you could improve are to lower the sound of the music a little bit, so that the audience can be more concentrated on the speech, not the music.

  3. The music at the beginning of the soundtrack is a funny joke, and the voice is very clear and easily to understand the main ideas. The song choice is very good and the sound it blend good along with the song, make the audience feel that the product is perfect. But this need to have more sound effect althought the current are very good, and need to use less music and let the audience concentrate more about the ideas of the product.

  4. I love how you made the beginning with a joke to attract people and not to make it boring. The effects are great but you need to make more sound effects but your deliveries were clear and exciting with the song so it also inspire people to buy your products. The effect you used is great that makes me want to buy one because of the drinking sound and the sound after it. I think your music is perfect, it makes your commercial more interesting but you could improve by just take the music without words to make us focus on your deliveries.
