Monday, May 23, 2011


1. What is Biotechnology?
Biotechnology is a technology for body part.

2. Who would benefit from the technology and what are the advantage?
People that have lost their body part, they can use it to do things like normal people.

3. Is it ethical to replace human part unit with biotechnology?
I think that depends to the person want to replace there human part and I think that only for the person that lost their body part because the person lost their body part need the biotechnology for the normal people so I think just let people lost their body part use the biotechnology.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Future technology

House in the future will have a lot of useful technology. It help people to safe time, have more free time to do other things. Some technology will check do you healthy or not, and we can other things on internet. All the system will have one system and it more comfortable. But all of this technology make people get lazy because we just need to click one button and we have the things we need but it safe time, it can let you read book, and you can brush your teeth and watch the news.

Monday, March 14, 2011

ICT Homework

Four examples of recorded but not broadcast:
1. Audio Book
2. Record disk
3. Cassette
4. Video

Monday, February 7, 2011


1) The electronic contains image, video and information but the newspaper just contains image and information. The electronic it have sound and pictures make the readers easier to know information and they don't need to read, and it easier to find the information on the Internet or TV and we don't need to buy newspaper, and you buy newspaper you wasted your time to buy and time to read.

2) Some people they trust the newspaper more than the Internet because the Internet maybe wrong because some one can hack it. But the newspaper they always give the truth information and newspaper is more reliable than the electronic.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My result

My three trends:
1. The favorite sport is soccer
2. The most favorite player is Messi
3. The favorite team is Arsenal
My report will be about Arsenal.

Monday, January 10, 2011


 It is impossible to lick your elbow.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Holiday

In my holiday very boring, staying at home watched TV, played games. The things that made me tender was the electric of for whole day, I didn't do anything in that day just read comic books. The thing that made me surprise was I can stay at my friend house for two days. The thing that I say WOW when I saw my brother ride his bike with no hands.